Introducing amelia Mansell


Allow me to re-introduce myself, I'm Amelia an Account Manager for Do Digital Agency.

My experience:

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I excitedly announced my new role as Account Manager at Do Digital Agency. It’s been an exhilarating ride, filled with challenges, growth, and countless opportunities to connect with clients and colleagues alike.

My Do digital evolution

I took the leap to become a part of the Account Management team. Now, I’m thrilled to leverage my deep understanding of Do Digital Agency’s services and processes to guide clients through the content creation journey from a dream idea to completion. My commitment to producing high-quality content that captivates audiences and elevates our clients in their respective industries remains steadfast.

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While I cherish experiences working on all projects, my heart does get a little extra excited when I get the opportunity to collaborate on Content Creation (CC) and Digital Platform Presentation (DPP) projects. Our content creation services offer real-time virtual environments that empower our clients to capture an extensive array of image, motion, and interactive content. I’ve been lucky enough to have the opportunity to work on several of these projects over the last 12 months and even to turn a couple of them into fully interactive walk-around game experiences.

Through integrating our clients’ content with our own in our DPP format we’ve been able to curate captivating storytelling experiences that win projects for our clients. By leveraging these tools, we enhance presentations, and create a comprehensive digital directory of content. This approach not only elevates the visual appeal but also enriches the overall user experience, fostering deeper engagement and connection with our clients’ audiences.



I’m grateful for the support of my colleagues, mentors, and clients who have helped me along this journey to date, and to mark this milestone I have been granted the opportunity to offer free DPP’s to those who’s content exceeds £3k. I’m really excited about the opportunity to demonstrate how we can harness the power of this tool for your project.


Contact Me

Let's talk about you

Mob: +44 (0)7377 983 488

Tel: +44 (0)2920 810 499

Postal Address:


Do Digital Agency

Suite D, 2nd Floor, Castle House,

Cardiff Road, Taffs Well,

Cardiff, CF15 7RD

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