Do’s & Don'ts
A staff guide.


This document serves as a blueprint for cultivating professional, resilient, and synchronised lines of communication.


We aim to ensure that our team responds promptly and consistently, keeping our clients connected and informed about the latest developments. We prioritise fostering a sense of connection and keeping our clients abreast of relevant updates.


Additionally, we expect our team to prioritise swift responses while upholding our core values.

It's crucial for staff to care for customers because it ensures:

  1. Repeat Business: Happy customers return, boosting revenue.
  2. Reputation: Good service builds a positive brand image.
  3. Loyalty: Strong relationships lead to repeat business.
  4. Differentiation: Great service sets a business apart.
  5. Referrals: Satisfied customers bring in new ones.
  6. Problem Solving: Addressing issues prevents negative feedback.
  7. Growth: Happy customers drive business success.
Customer Satisfaction:
Satisfied customers are more likely to return and make repeat purchases, leading to increased revenue and long-term success for the business.
Brand Reputation:
Positive interactions with customers contribute to a positive brand image, which can attract new customers through word-of-mouth recommendations and positive online reviews.
By providing excellent customer service, staff can build strong relationships with customers, leading to increased loyalty and a higher likelihood of customers choosing the business over competitors.
In competitive markets, exceptional customer service can be a key differentiator that sets a business apart from its competitors.
Satisfied customers are more likely to refer friends and family to the business, resulting in new customers and increased sales.
Problem Resolution:
Addressing customer concerns and issues promptly can prevent negative feedback and potential damage to the business's reputation.
Business Growth:
Happy customers contribute to business growth through repeat purchases, referrals, and positive reviews, ultimately leading to increased profitability and success.
Overall, prioritising customer satisfaction and providing excellent service is essential for businesses to thrive in today's competitive marketplace.
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10 top do's and don'ts for staff when emailing or engaging with clients:

  1. Do’s:

    1. Use a professional tone.
    2. Personalise when appropriate.
    3. Provide clear and concise information.
    4. Respond promptly.
    5. Proofread before sending.
    6. Offer solutions.
    7. Include relevant attachments or links.
    8. Acknowledge receipt of their email.
    9. Follow up or chase information when necessary.
    10. Express gratitude.
  1. Don’ts:


    1. Use jargon or technical language.
    2. Send incomplete or vague responses.
    3. Use overly casual language.
    4. Ignore the client’s questions or concerns.
    5. Use all caps or excessive punctuation.
    6. Be overly familiar.
    7. Forward emails without permission.
    8. Delay responses unnecessarily.
    9. Make promises you can’t keep.
    10. Forget to include contact information.


Use a professional tone:
Maintain a polite and professional tone in all communication with clients.
Personalise when appropriate:
Address clients by their names and tailor the content to their specific needs or concerns.
Provide clear and concise information:
Ensure that the email is easy to understand and addresses the client's questions or concerns directly.
Respond promptly:
Aim to reply to client emails within a reasonable timeframe to demonstrate responsiveness and dedication to their needs.
Proofread before sending:
Check for spelling and grammatical errors to maintain a professional image and avoid misunderstandings.
Offer solutions:
If the client has a problem or query, provide helpful solutions or guidance to resolve their issue effectively.
Include relevant attachments or links:
If necessary, attach documents or provide links to additional resources that might assist the client.
Acknowledge receipt of their email:
Confirm that you have received the client's email and assure them that their message is being attended to.
Follow up or chase information when necessary:
If the client's project requires further action or follow-up, ensure that you request updates or project details and keep them informed of the progress.
Express gratitude:
End the email with a polite thank you to show appreciation for the client's time and cooperation.
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Use jargon or technical language:
Avoid using technical terms or industry jargon that the client may not understand.
Send incomplete or vague responses:
Ensure that your emails provide comprehensive answers and address all aspects of the client's inquiry.
Use overly casual language:
Maintain a level of professionalism and avoid overly casual language or slang.
Ignore the client's questions or concerns:
Always address the client's queries or concerns directly and avoid ignoring any important points they raise.
Use all caps or excessive punctuation:
Avoid using all capital letters or excessive punctuation, as it can come across as shouting or unprofessional.
Be overly familiar:
Maintain a level of professionalism in your interactions and avoid being overly familiar with clients, especially if you don't have a close relationship with them.
Forward emails without permission:
Respect the client's privacy and confidentiality by obtaining their permission before forwarding their emails to others.
Delay responses unnecessarily:
Aim to reply to client emails promptly to demonstrate your commitment to providing excellent customer service.
Make promises you can't keep:
Only make commitments or promises to clients that you can fulfil, and avoid overpromising or exaggerating.
Forget to include contact information:
Always include your contact information in case the client needs to follow up or have further questions.
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When emailing clients, it’s essential to maintain professionalism and clarity. Use a polite and personalised tone, addressing clients by name and providing concise, helpful information. Respond promptly, acknowledging receipt of their email and offering solutions to any issues raised. Remember to proofread for errors and include relevant attachments or links as needed. Follow up when necessary, ensuring you fulfil any promises made and express gratitude for their time. 


Avoid using technical jargon, being overly casual, or ignoring their concerns. Never forward emails without permission or delay responses unnecessarily. Keep communication respectful and professional, avoiding all caps, excessive punctuation, or overly familiar language.


Always include your contact information for further inquiries or assistance. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain positive and productive relationships with clients through email communication.

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